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Hunter x Hunter Alternate Ending Revealed!

The manga of the renowned anime Hunter x Hunter has been going through numerous hiatuses causing anguish among many fans. Once again, the manga has been put on indefinite hiatus despite the author of the series, Yoshihiro Togashi's attempts to manage his back pain and work simultaneously.
Now to the fans' surprise, it appears that the author of the series is concerned about the possibility of passing away before completing the manga. Due to this, he desires to provide an ending for the millions of fans who are patiently waiting for the continuation of the manga.
hunter x hunter kite; hunter x hunter season 7
In a recent interview, Yoshihiro Togashi discussed four potential endings for Hunter x Hunter, labeled as scenarios A, B, C, and D. Among these four scenarios, the author decided to share only the fourth ending, D, and only shared his thoughts about what might be the reception of the previous three endings, A, B, and C. His words on this were:
“To give you a clearer picture, I will share scenario D, which fell out of the candidate scenarios for the ending. If fate takes me before finishing the manga, consider it the manga’s ending. I would be happy if you forgive me for that.”
hunter x hunter kite; hunter x hunter season 7

This is what Yoshihiro Togashi mentioned about the first three endings:

Ending A: Around half of the readers will find the ending satisfying while the other half might not like it as much. The author also thinks that this ending won’t get people too upset.
Ending B: This ending is also expected to have a mix of reactions from the readers of the manga.
Ending C: This ending is the one the author personally likes the best, even though he thinks that almost everyone else might not enjoy it as much.


This is what Ending D entails:

Next to the lake, a girl named Jin, holding a fishing rod, stands motionless. Suddenly, the rod shakes violently, and Jin, startled, exclaims, “I got him! I got the Lake Lord!”. She skillfully lifts the Lake Lord onto her shoulders and stands before a woman, saying, “As I promised, I caught the Lake Lord! Mom!” Jin approaches the woman and passionately declares, “You must not tell me again. You must become a hunter.”

The woman, with no tricks left, nods her head. Jin, still carrying the Lake Lord on her shoulder, walks away. The mother comments to her husband that Jin’s dream is to never leave the island and inherit their place. The father agrees, laughing, and the mother expresses her dissatisfaction, saying, “Perhaps her desires will change later. But I want to know, you and Jin, why are you like this? Surely it’s because of the blood of Grandma Mito and Grandma Noko."

The woman seems unaware that Grandma Mito and Grandma Noko are not related by blood, and the father smiles knowingly. The woman, expressing her unwillingness as a mother, adds, “But Grandpa Gon was a famous hunter… and this girl will one day leave the island.”

Jin insists, “I will never leave!” Although she is no longer visible in the heart of the forest, she hears her parents’ conversation and responds defiantly. The father, amused, says, “You have a sharp eye.”

The scene changes to the shop continuing its work from Mito’s days. The Lake Lord has been cleanly cut, and its internal parts sorted. Jin thinks to herself while working, “Mom never understands. When Grandpa speaks joyfully about his memories of being a hunter, Grandma Noko quietly moves away from her seat. Every time Grandpa Gon affirms, her belief is heard from someone. She strikes the cutting board forcefully with a knife (I’m tired of this!!) to wait for someone’s return after months and years of sadness crushes my heart… I make someone wait for me!". Then the door opens, and a warm voice echoes. A chubby little child enters, holding a plant.

The child exclaims, “I caught the Lake Lord for real! Well, let’s honor the whole island with it!” Jin replies, “I always… always wanted to be with the person I want to be with. Together, always!” The child agrees, “Yes!” Both of them, with broad smiles on their faces, cook the food. A bird flies away from the island, over a town and its people.

The son of one of them, the daughter of another, and the grandchild of another live in different places, exchanging smiles. They might be the children of that character and the grandchildren of that character. The bird flies away into the distance.

In the background, a figure watches the scene.

NOTE: The above-mentioned ending, Ending D, has been dropped by the author of the series in favor of the other three endings.

Thank you for reading till the end. Hope you found this blog insightful.

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