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Your Name | Kimi no Na wa

Your Name anime. Also known as 'Kimi no Na wa', is a critically acclaimed masterpiece movie released in 2016 which was directed by Makoto Shinkai who is known for making movies with stunning animation and unique storylines. This movie is a mesmerizing blend of romance, drama and the supernatural.

Your Name; The comet splits

My thoughts:

Your Name is one of the movies that made me tear up. Every blink of the eye feels like a waste. Every frame of the movie looks perfect for a wallpaper. It's easily an 11/10 for me. It's... It's up there. 

There are very few anime movies that even come close to this masterpiece. This movie grips the viewers heart in such an unique way that by the time the movie ends, they feel like they were in a different world. The story, the direction, the animation, the twists, everything is just perfect. And the music. The songs and the osts are absolutely out of this world. The songs of the movie, like Sparkle, Nandemonaiya, Dream Lantern and many more, from RADWIMPS, just amplifies the experience of the movie to another level. Each and every one of them are absolutely beautiful.

Just like Makoto Shinkai's other movies which deal with unique concepts, Your Name deals with the aspect of time. And the movie does that perfectly.

[Spoilers Ahead] 

A synopsis:

NOTE : This synopsis was a little tricky to write due to the time cuts within the movie. Hope you guys will find it understandable.

The movie begins with the life of a normal high school girl, Miyamizu Mitsuha. The first thing she's seen doing after waking up, is fondling her own breasts and claiming that they feel real. That's when her sister, Miyamizu Yotsuha opens the door to her room and gets surprised. So does Mitsuha when she learns that she has sister. Ignoring Mitsuha's activities, Yotsuha calls her sister for breakfast. After Mitsuha's sister goes away, she gets naked. 

Mitsuha pressing her boobs

In the next scene, we see that Mitsuha goes to have breakfast when her grandmother claims that she's back to normal. At that time, on the TV we see a news about a comet that will be passing by and will be visible from Earth with naked eyes. After finishing breakfast, she leaves for her school and is met with two of her friends, Sayaka and Tessie. On the way to school, her father was giving a speech at a place, and in between he called out to Mitsuha when he saw her for straightening up which got her very embarrassed. On reaching school, she normally started doing her classes when she noticed that things like "Who are you?" were written on her notebook. At that time the teacher, who's the protagonist from Makoto Shinkai's another movie 'Garden of Words', calls up Mitsuha. And when she responds, the teacher cracks up saying that Mitsuha remembers her own name today. These questions about her identity drives her curious as to what happened on the previous day when Tessie and Sayaka also agreed that she was acting pretty weird.

Mitsuha acting weird

After coming back from school, Mitsuha and her sister Yotsuha gets to working with threads along with their grandma. Then we see the two sisters performing an absolutely stunning dance in regards to the animation as well, before making a drink for the gods. The name of the drink was 'Kuchikamisake'. After the performance of the said ritual, Mitsuha shouted that she wants to be a hot Tokyo guy in her next life when her sister sighs saying she's an idiot.

Preperation of Kuchikamisake

Then we delve into the life of a normal high school boy, Tachibana Taki. On Taki waking up from his sleep, we see him acting weird and confused. Taki thinks that everything is a dream and gets embarrassed when he has the urge to go to the toilet. Then we see him go to school as he was stunned by the beauty of Tokyo.

Mitsuha in Tokyo for first time

After he reaches school, his friends are surprised as to how he had forgotten the route to his school and few hours later again surprised as to how he had forgotten the route to his part-time job. Then at the part-time job, he helps a female senior of his, Miss Okudera, when she was harassed by a guy in her working hours. After helping her, he gets a compliment from her saying that she didn't know that he had a feminine side to him. Next day, we see him wake up acting normal and confused to see some notes on his phones written which he didn't remember writing. Just like in the case of Mitsuha, Taki was said to by his friends that he was acting weird the previous day.

Now as these things kept repeating with both Taki and Mitsuha, both of them soon realised that those were not dreams. Instead, they were swapping bodies in reality in their dreams.

Taki and Mitsuha swap places

After realizing this, one day, when Taki was in the body of Mitsuha, her family was going on a trip to offer their previously made Kuchikamisake to the gods. Now this Kuchikamisake trip, was truly a beautiful scene for me. The 'musubi' speech by Mitsuha's grandmother was so mesmerizing.

The body of the god of Miyamizu Shrine

Then we see Taki going on a date with Miss Okudera which was fixed by Mitsuhara herself when she was in Taki's body. After the date was over, Okudera came to  understand that Taki liked someone else and that wasn't her. Then he noticed a note on his phone which said that the comet will be visible soon. But there was none. 

Taki date with Okudera

In the next scene, we see our beautiful Mitsuha cut her hair in half in preparation for a festival that was being held in her town. But... After she reached the place where the festival was being held, the comet that was previously telecasted on the TV was visible and a part of it was breaking up and entering the atmosphere.

After that, Taki and Mitsuha stopped swapping bodies. Frustrated by not being able to contact Mitsuha, he goes on a trip to find her by using the images of the location from his memories when he was in Mitsuha's body. After searching, he found out that the name of the place was Itomori town which was destroyed after a part of a comet hit it 3 years ago.

Itomori after meteor crash

Then it clicked. The Mitsuha he was swapping bodies with was the Mitsuha 3 years ago. But unfortunately, when he went to find her, she had died by that time. Unable to sleep by the frustration, he went to drink the Kuchikamisake that had been offered to the gods. On reaching the place, he noticed that the Kuchikamisake was still intact after 3 years. After drinking it, he witnessed the full life of Mitsuha, from her birth to her tragic death due to the collision of the meteor, in his dreams. Then his wish was granted. He wakes up... Not in his body, but in Mitsuha's... before the meteor hit. 

Taki drinks Kuchikamisake

Now Taki in Mitsuha's body has one objective. To evacuate the town of Itomori and put the people out of the impact range of the meteor. With the help of her friends Tessie and Sayaka, she attempts to do it unofficially. But was unfortunately stopped by official authorities. But, Mitsuha, by this time, was going to the place where Taki's body was. And meanwhile, Mitsuha woke up in Taki's body in astonishment as to what he was doing in Itomori which was followed by horror seeing her hometown destoryed. And Taki aslo remembers that 3 years ago, when he didn't know about her, Mitsuha came to Tokyo to meet him. That's when Mitsuha gave him the thread he wears on his hand. 

Mitsuha meets Taki meets Mitsuha

Then the part came which everyone was waiting for. They meet each other. At Katawaredoki. A true tear jerking moment. But when they proceeded to write each others' name on their hands, they vanished.

Mitsuha meets Taki meets Mitsuha

And then the meteor hit Itomori town.

Fast forward, we see Taki looking for a job, giving interviews and such. He also recalls that once he was obsessed with Itomori town but does not remember why. And there is something or someone that he is always searching for. The viewers know what it is. One day he gets a glimpse of what he feels he was searching for. Then he goes for it. The glimpse he got. He had to find her. Soon he does.

They meet each other. In the same timeline.

Your Name?

Thank you guys for reading until the end. Do comment your thoughts on the movie down below.


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