The year of 2023 has already been a blast in the world of anime with the release of anime like Vinland Saga, Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, Dr. Stone, Hell's Paradise and many more. But the show has not ended yet. There's still 3 months left. That is going to be as much of a blast if not more. So here are some anime coming out in October 2023. Ragna Crimson - October 1, 2023 Episodes-24. Studio-SILVER LINK. Genre-Action. In a world where dragons rule sky, sea, and land, those who would fight them and win must surpass the limits of normal human strength. Set on victory at any cost, dragon hunter Ragna joins forces with the mysterious Crimson. Crimson's motivations may be obscure, but their goal is the same: to destroy the dragon monarchs. Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions - October 2, 2023 Episodes-13. Studio-Diomedea. Genre-Comedy,Mystery. Despite lacking the skill...